Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Penjualan Sparepart Berbasis Desktop
Information System, RAD, DesktopAbstract
Pepart is a Spare Part Sales Service Information System which is a desktop-based business service management system in the field of selling motorcycle needs from the customer acceptance stage to the payment stage. This system was made to make it easier for consumers to buy goods. This system is made for the development of a manual stage that can cause problems such as slow service processes, finding prices, searching for data, and also payment transactions. The system is built by the Rapid application development (RAD) method which consists of analysis stages, the tools used for modeling are Class Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams. From the design stage it is made with ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) architecture design, and User Interface. The implementation process is carried out using Microsoft Access Database and using Netbeans.
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