Application of the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Method in Determining Recipients of Educational Development Contributions
Decision Support System, Educational Development Contributions, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Simple Multi Attribute Ranking TechniqueAbstract
Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association Vocational School 1 Jakarta, which has several skill competencies, is one of the private educational institutions that requires students to pay tuition fees every month. Apart from that, the Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association Vocational School 1 Jakarta also provides a fee reduction for Educational Development Contributions. This program is assistance provided independently to students who excel, have limited economic capabilities, and have lost their parents. Not all aid and students who register can receive the program because the quota is limited. In determining potential recipients of assistance, the Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association Vocational School 1 Jakarta will issue a decision based on the specified criteria, sub-criteria and alternatives. However, what methods can be used to assist the selection process for recipients of computerized educational development fee waivers and can assist the student affairs department in producing the best alternative quickly, precisely and easily to manage? The Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Decision Support System method can be used to assist the selection process for selecting potential recipients of this assistance. The conclusion states that the Decision Support System for Recipients of Reduced Costs of Educational Development Contributions for students of the Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association Vocational School 1 Jakarta, makes the process easier and more effective. The criteria used to consider the selection of potential aid recipients in this decision support system can be developed according to the needs of using the system, so as to improve the evaluation process of potential aid recipients. Prospective aid recipients are greatly helped by this application. This application can be implemented by parties at other schools with customized features.
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